Hypnose wikipedia til mere hypnose information
Denne lille hypnose wikipedia indeholder links til andre hypnose hjemmesider, der giver mere information om online kurser i selvudvikling, hypnose lydfiler, scenehypnose, hypnoseshows, hypnoterapi og links til videnskabelige artikler om hypnose.
Hjemmeside med online kurser og download af hypnose lydfiler. Facebook siden
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Hypnoseshow & Scenehypnose
Hjemmeside omkring hypnoseshows. Bestil TV hypnotisøren til et hypnoseshow ved firmaarrangementer, foreninger eller skoler.
Stress forebyggelse i form af en Stress-Spotter uddannelse, stress forløb og stress terapi. Et Registreret psykoterapeut samarbejde som hjælper virksomheder med at skabe trivsel i virksomheden.
Gruppe sessioner til behandling af eksamensangst og præstationsangst.
Portal med hjælp og tilbud til studerende.
Kollega med klinik i Århus N og Skanderborg.
Kvindelig kollega i København / Spanien.
Anette Kongsgaard Hypnose og hypnoterapi
Kvindelig kollega i Hjortshøj nord for Aarhus.
Projekt Sexus
Information om danskernes sexliv som er relevant for sexuelle problemer i parforhold.
Ideer og inspiration til at få mere kærlighed i dit parforhold.
Wellness i naturskønne omgivelser i Solbjerg.
Mobilt escape room
Underholdende oplevelse med mobile escape rooms ude ved din temadag, firmafest eller privatfest.
Videnskabelige artikler om hypnose
(Primært engelske artikler)
Hypnose til forskellige problemer
Using Hypnotherapy To Combat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy for Depression
Can Hypnosis Be Used To Combat Dermatologic Disorders?
Neuroscientists say that hypnosis could actually help you focus better
Effectiveness of smoking cessation methods
Group hypnosis treatment of drug addicts
Gut-directed hypnosis more effective for treating irritable bowel syndrome
A Meta-Analysis for the Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in Alleviating PTSD Symptoms
Deepening Sleep by Hypnotic Suggestion
Improving working memory performance in brain-injured patients using hypnotic suggestion
Boosting human learning by hypnosis
Hypnosis replaces anesthetic in brain surgery
How Hypnosis Can Help You Get Rid of Your Work Stress or Pain, According to Neuroscience
Scientific papers on hypnosis and brain injury
Generelt om hypnose
Study proves the power of hypnosis
Hypnosis Has Some Interesting Effects On The Brain
The Neurological Mechanisms Behind Hypnosis
Scientists discover how hypnosis actually works
This is your brain under hypnosis
Study identifies brain areas altered during hypnotic trances
Youtube link hvor Bobby Zachariae fortæller om hypnose
Posthypnotic effects on value-based decision-making
What if consciousness is not what drives the human mind
Dr Matthew Whalleys page with general materials about hypnosis
A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – self-hypnosis
Stage Hypnosis and Public Lecture Effects on Attitudes and Beliefs regarding Hypnosis